
Tag Archives for Food.

a close up of food

Feast on This: The Week in Food Photos

a close up of food

If you’re trying to save yourself some calories and fit into a dress/suit/chicken costume for a wedding, you can’t necessarily indulge in everything you’d like to be eating. The same can’t be said for my life. As a professional food writer, it’s my job to check out the latest and greatest wherever I am and…

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a basket of fried chicken

Food Porn Review: ChocoChicken

a basket of fried chicken

Chocolate Fried Chicken. It’s a thing now, people, and if you’re traveling to LA any time soon, you can get your hands on some by swinging down near the Staples Center where you’ll find ChocoChicken, the brand new chocolate fried chicken concept from the guy behind Umami Burger. The chocolate’s in the batter but it…

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a city skyline at night

Hong Kong Trip Wrap-Up

a city skyline at night

Happy Easter Sunday to those celebrating! Have you had a good week? I have. Now that the bulk of my Hong Kong stories are done and posted (one more coming this week and then we’re totally done), I thought it would be a good idea to do a little wrap-up of all the stories I…

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a red apple on a table

Does Airplane Air Really Get You Sick?

a red apple on a table

Here at Fly&Dine, we’re not just concerned with food as it relates to eating. Food is a bigger issue, integral to survival and economics and a whole bunch of other categories. Today, we’re talking about food and health. Specifically the age-old question: Does airplane air really get you sick?   Common sense would dictate that…

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a buffet table with food in bowls

How to Eat for Free in Airport Lounges

a buffet table with food in bowls

Ah, the First Class Lounge; that shangri-la of tiny sandwiches, premium liquor, and showers that I’m not even that afraid to use. If I had access, I’d go every day. It would be my country club, my sanctuary, my really upscale Starbucks. The problem is, lounge access costs major dollars in the form of memberships…

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The Wall Street Journal Gets into Airport Food

The Wall St. Journal just published a big story online about the current state of airport food and the business behind it. Definitely worth a read. Check it out here: My favorite quote comes from Rick Blatstein, CEO of OTG Management, which operates restaurants at airports in the U.S. and Canada: “We operate restaurants…

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a man in a tuxedo and a woman in a crowd

Jerry Seinfeld Talks Airline Food on Reddit

a man in a tuxedo and a woman in a crowd

Reddit keeps me up-to-date on the latest and greatest on the Internet and a regular feature on the site is the AMA, which stands for Ask Me Anything. Essentially, somebody interesting offers to do a Q&A. Today, it was Jerry Seinfeld and while he doesn’t answer every question posed to him, he did answer the…

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