
Tag Archives for terminal.

The Wall Street Journal Gets into Airport Food

The Wall St. Journal just published a big story online about the current state of airport food and the business behind it. Definitely worth a read. Check it out here: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303465004579322690270418718 My favorite quote comes from Rick Blatstein, CEO of OTG Management, which operates restaurants at airports in the U.S. and Canada: “We operate restaurants…

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a restaurant with a sign

Eat Like a Local at San Antonio International Airport (SAT)

a restaurant with a sign

If you find yourself flying to the Alamo to recreate a scene from Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure…   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYfjq3ZYZbA     …your airport dining options just got a major facelift. Continuing the trend of bringing local chefs into the fold at terminals around the country, HMSHost has partnered up with San Antonio favorite Johnny Hernandez to…

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