Guys. My Mom called the other day to tell me that she liked my story on whether or not you can diet while you travel. That’s just about the highest praise I can imagine. While some moms blindly praise their kids for everything (“You tried your best, sweetheart! Here’s a trophy!”), mine only proffers approval…
Tag Archives for 2015.
Goodbye Sweet Deep Dish Pizza: The Fly&Dine Diet
There’s almost nothing more cliche than a New Years’ diet, but year after year we embark on these fool’s errands as if they’re going to do us any good. The truth is, most people abandon diets after a week — if they even make it a week. So why do we do it? A new…
7 Completely Rational Resolutions for 2015
It’s amazing for me to think that Fly&Dine is now over a year old. When I started the blog, I wanted to have an outlet to talk about the wonderful advances taking place in the food and beverage side of the travel industry. A year later, Fly&Dine has grown into so much more and it’s…