a shelf with bags of food

Video: Korean Girls Eating American Snacks

a shelf with bags of food

YouTube is a magical place filled with crazy/weird/wonderful/awkward/illuminating things. Case in point? This video of Korean girls trying snacks from America. The premise is simple, but it yields great results. PopTarts? “Tastes like a toy.” I’m sure the reverse video of American girls eating Korean snacks would be equally amusing… Oh, here it is! BuzzFeed…

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a man wearing a safety vest and a hard hat

More UK Love: British Airways’ Videos on “Height Cuisine”

a man wearing a safety vest and a hard hat

While looking into this morning’s BBC story on in-flight food, I came across a series of videos that British Airways published back in 2012 on the subject of “Height Cuisine.” See what they did there? No? They took the phrase “Haute Cuisine” and turned it into “Height Cuisine.” Very clever, BA! Anyway, if you’ve got…

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