If you’ve been scouring the web for free airport wifi passwords, you’ve come to the right place. In reality, I’m sending you to the right place, but let’s just all agree that this is the right place for now and move on. A post appeared on the Reddit homepage today (r/all) that originated in the…
Tag Archives for free.
JetBlue Adds New Free Snacks on Flights
You’re getting more options with those blue potato chips, folks! JetBlue has been one of my favorite airlines for years and a lot of that is thanks to their free snack policy. Just yesterday, the airline announced that they’re adding two great new options to their free snack lineup. You’ll still be able to grab…
The Best Freebies in Coach — Fly&Dine on Yahoo Travel
If you’re an avid reader of Yahoo Travel, you may have noticed that I was quoted yesterday in their story entitled “Free Airplane Snacks! The Tastiest Treats in Coach,” by the lovely and talented Billie Cohen. She extols the virtues of Delta’s Biscoff cookies, Air Canada’s Peek Freans, Southwest’s peanuts, and more. Obviously, the overseas…
Got Sprint? Now You Have Free Boingo Wi-Fi at Airports
Sprint has done everything it can in the last few years to get your business, but fake lawyer Kevin Durant doesn’t seem to be convincing that many people to cut their rate plan in half and the Framily Plan failed so spectacularly that Verizon and AT&T are laughing about it all the way to the…
Why JetBlue is Doing it Better
I’m currently flying over Iowa en route to New York (and then Morocco) and writing this using JetBlue’s free Fly-Fi wifi service. If you’re not familiar with JetBlue, read the last part of that sentence again: Free. Fly-Fi. Wifi service. While American/Delta/United are happy to charge you $15+ per flight to access their Gogo routers,…
How to Eat for Free at Airport Lounges… and Get a Fine?
One of the most successful Fly&Dine stories of all time was about a Chinese man who was able to game the system at his local airport to eat in the first class lounge for free by continually extending the outbound date on his refundable first class ticket. Well, it looks like somebody else tried to…
San Fran Hotel Gives Free Drinks for Wearing Google Glass
It’s about to get a little more rewarding to be a GlassHole… Stanford Court, a boutique hotel on San Francisco’s Nob Hill, is offering a free cocktail, beer, or glass of wine if you have the indecency to wear Google Glass inside their doors. All you have to do (assuming you’re the idiot who wears…
How to Eat for Free in Airport Lounges
Ah, the First Class Lounge; that shangri-la of tiny sandwiches, premium liquor, and showers that I’m not even that afraid to use. If I had access, I’d go every day. It would be my country club, my sanctuary, my really upscale Starbucks. The problem is, lounge access costs major dollars in the form of memberships…