
Tag Archives for free.

a group of snacks on a white background

JetBlue Adds New Free Snacks on Flights

a group of snacks on a white background

You’re getting more options with those blue potato chips, folks! JetBlue has been one of my favorite airlines for years and a lot of that is thanks to their free snack policy. Just yesterday, the airline announced that they’re adding two great new options to their free snack lineup. You’ll still be able to grab…

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a jet blue airplane flying over water

Why JetBlue is Doing it Better

a jet blue airplane flying over water

I’m currently flying over Iowa en route to New York (and then Morocco) and writing this using JetBlue’s free Fly-Fi wifi service. If you’re not familiar with JetBlue, read the last part of that sentence again: Free. Fly-Fi. Wifi service. While American/Delta/United are happy to charge you $15+ per flight to access their Gogo routers,…

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a buffet table with food in bowls

How to Eat for Free in Airport Lounges

a buffet table with food in bowls

Ah, the First Class Lounge; that shangri-la of tiny sandwiches, premium liquor, and showers that I’m not even that afraid to use. If I had access, I’d go every day. It would be my country club, my sanctuary, my really upscale Starbucks. The problem is, lounge access costs major dollars in the form of memberships…

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