a man and woman in a airport

Lost Something at TSA Checkpoint? Here’s How to Get It Back!

a man and woman in a airport

Everybody loves TSA Security Checkpoints. They’re fast, efficient, non-invasive — wait a second. I’m thinking of KFC. Sorry about that. TSA checkpoints are terrible. They’re full of blue-shirted authority figures yelling at shoeless clusters of travelers forced to prove that they’re not terrorists. Unless you have TSA Pre-Check (and you should! It’s awesome!) and get…

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Enter My Starbucks Giveaway + @FrequentMiler Interview!


If you haven’t entered the giveaway for $50 to Starbucks, then clearly your brain isn’t working. Who wouldn’t want a free $50 gift card??? Maybe that Monopoly guy. If you’re the Monopoly guy, you’re excused. Everyone else? Head on over here: Fly&Dine Interview+Giveaway: Frequent Miler + $50 And put your answer to the giveaway question…

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a group of plates of food

ANA Adds Michelin Superstars to Chef Roster

a group of plates of food

Ever since American Airlines launched their Chefs’ Conclave back in 1988, carriers around the world have tried to snag the best culinary talent to consult on their in-flight culinary programs. Now it’s considered industry standard to have a well-known chef putting their names on airplane menus. Japan’s ANA goes well beyond industry standard, though, with…

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