While individual restaurants have the ability to change and adapt to new trends on the fly, airport restaurants are much less nimble. It may help to think of traditional restaurants as speed boats and airport restaurant operations more like aircraft carriers, locked on course until a cadre of generals choose to go in a different…
Blueberry Liquor & Cloudberries: A Taste of Helsinki
Fly&Dine Contributor Paul Bacon returns with a delicious journey through Helsinki. Take it away, Paul… My wife has a bucket list and on that list is the Aurora Borealis. We struck out in Sweden at the Ice Hotel due to clouds and warm temperatures*. We decided to try Iceland but there were issues with Sky…
Life Without Elite Status
It’s a dark day, friends. Actually, it’s a dark week. This is the first time in years that I’ve flown on American without any sort of elite status. It felt really strange. I think I may be developing PTSD (Plane Transportation Status Disassociation). I first earned my Platinum status back in 2012 when I completed…
Delta Wants to Be Your Valentine
If you’re flying Delta on Valentine’s Day this year, you may be in for a very sweet treat. Passengers flying from SFO and LAX to JFK (and vice versa) will be celebrating the most romantic day of the year (according to Hallmark, at least) with a free three-pack of mini cupcakes from Baked by Melissa.…
Secrets of an Airline Pilot
Ever wondered how you can be stranded somewhere due to weather when that somewhere has perfectly blue skies? Ever thought about how often turbulence causes crashes? Ever wanted to take a look at the cockpit but figured you’d somehow wind up on a no-fly list? Well, now you can learn the answers to your curiosities…
The Delano Proves to Be a Great Vegas Hotel for Dogs
I’ve got to be honest, guys. I never expected to bring a dog to Vegas. Like cocktail bars and UFC fights, Vegas is no place for children or puppies but last week I found myself in need of a place to stay on the way to Park City, UT and Vegas was a perfect four-hour…
New Year, New Fly&Dine
Fly&Diners, it’s my honor to announce that a new day is coming. That day is… tomorrow. What’s happening tomorrow? Well, according to Annie, the sun will come up. Also, you’ll have a brand new Fly&Dine. We’ve been working behind the scenes to get the whole site redesigned and I think you’ll be happy with the…
The New Orleans Guide to Po-Boys
Deep in the French Quarter of New Orleans on a Sunday night, amid roving bands of tourists on voodoo-heavy ghost tours, you may find yourself in a 24-hour market — a convenience store, really. You could easily mistake it as a place for a pack of smokes and a sixer of Abita, but you’re here for…
HoJo Goes Low Low with Orange Wednesday
You’ve survived Black Friday. You were vaguely award of Cyber Monday. Now iconic motelier Howard Johnson Hotels (aka the HoJo) is here to give you yet another holiday in this time of even more holidays. Say hello to Orange Wednesday. It’s just like every other Wednesday, except today rooms at the HoJo are 60% off.…
MGM in DC Snags Big Time Chefs
I’ve been a fan of the MGM Grand in Vegas since it had a kid-friendly theme park back in the ’90s (ah, kid-friendly Vegas — what a giant mistake). Nowadays I go because I like their blackjack tables and the Deal or No Deal game. Vegas isn’t the only place to catch an MGM casino,…
Food Porn, Airport Beer, New Orleans, and More!
Fly&Dine actually had new stories this week! How very exciting for all of us! If you missed any of them, now’s your chance to catch up because they’re conveniently listed below. Delta Brings Airline Food into the 21st Century Eater Publishes Best Story About Airport Restaurants… Ever? Craft Beer Takes Off in Airports…
New Orleans Food Porn Explosion
If you’re currently recovering from a Thanksgiving food coma, I have the cure. It’s a photographic hair of the dog, of sorts. I just spent a long weekend in New Orleans and ate my face off (not literally — my face is still very much intact). New Orleans is one of the best eating cities…
Hotel Lounge Review: Windsor Court in New Orleans
It’s been a while since I’ve been to a proper hotel lounge. I don’t know about you, but I love hotel lounges. Who needs a cash minibar when you have a well-appointed room with a free real bar? As much as I love hanging out in hotel rooms, I love having the option to go…
Craft Beer Takes Off in Airports
Thanksgiving is just a few days away and if you want to survive it, you should probably start drinking now. Thankfully, the nation’s airports are happy to help. While impersonal airport bars have been a staple for years, now travelers can get their drink on with way better options than ever before. Wine bars are…