a plate of food on a table

Ranking the World’s Best Airline Food

a plate of food on a table

There are some topics that come up repeatedly in the tiny corner of the world that Fly&Dine occupies. One of them is why airline food tastes so bad. Another is about who has the best airline food in the whole wide world. They both make sense, based on what internet readers gravitate towards. Explanations of…

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a brick wall with a lit up sign

The Latest on Uber and LYFT at LAX

a brick wall with a lit up sign

Are you an Uber LAX supporter? Are you tired of paying the taxi company’s outrageous $19 minimum to hail a cab at LAX? Does the phrase “LYFT LAX” sound like sweet, sweet music to your traveling ears? If so, read on for where we stand on the all-important question of Uber and Lyft picking up…

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a close up of some lettuce

ISS Astronauts Grow Food in SPACE!!!!

a close up of some lettuce

This is possibly the coolest development in fly & dining news in the past year, if not the past century. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station have now grown and eaten lettuce in space. Say goodbye to Astronaut Ice Cream (just kidding — never say goodbye to that chalky goodness), because now we can grow…

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