
Category Archives for International.

a reindeer with antlers grazing on grass

Eating Reindeer? At the Airport?

a reindeer with antlers grazing on grass

Don’t sound so surprised, pal. Reindeer is a part of Finnish cuisine and of course there’s Finnish food at the airport — when it’s an airport in Finland. If you’re like me, though, you probably don’t know much about Finnish food. I’m a professional food writer and I couldn’t name the top dish in Finland…

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a close up of brownies

Gordon Ramsay’s Plane Food Brownie Recipe

a close up of brownies

When celebrity chefs and airport restaurants collide, the results can be quite polarizing. Some times (*cough* Wolfgang Puck *cough*) it’s just another branded marketing opportunity for the chef to get rich without actually being ever being present. Other times, though, these celeb chefs raise the entire level of airport dining with thoughtful additions to terminals…

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a city skyline at night

Hong Kong Trip Wrap-Up

a city skyline at night

Happy Easter Sunday to those celebrating! Have you had a good week? I have. Now that the bulk of my Hong Kong stories are done and posted (one more coming this week and then we’re totally done), I thought it would be a good idea to do a little wrap-up of all the stories I…

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a man wearing a safety vest and a hard hat

UK Chef Heston Blumenthal Comes to Heathrow

a man wearing a safety vest and a hard hat

If you’ve never ventured outside of the bubble of American food television, then you probably think Heston Blumenthal is some sort of children’s author or a tech magnate. Not the case. While you were watching Guy Fieri get excited about cream of mayo soup, Blumenthal was well past making a name for himself as one…

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a lunch box with food in it

Gordon Ramsay’s Heathrow Picnic Baskets

a lunch box with food in it

So I was cruising around Twitter and came across this tweet from @steglobal (retweeted by Heathrow Airport):   Superb thought by Gordon Ramsey – @planefood in @HeathrowAirport have picnic boxes to takeaway in chill bags. BRAVO ! — ste global (@steglobal) February 17, 2014   That. Looks. Awesome. Allow me to dissect the tweet…

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