
Category Archives for United.

a group of mannequins in a store

5 Ways to Fight #LeggingsGate

a group of mannequins in a store

This tweet (and subsequent tweets) just lit the entire internet on fire: 1) A @united gate agent isn’t letting girls in leggings get on flight from Denver to Minneapolis because spandex is not allowed? — Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) March 26, 2017 Whoa whoa whoa, Internet! It seems like we’ve got a pretty significant controversy on…

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an airplane at an airport

Life Without Elite Status

an airplane at an airport

It’s a dark day, friends. Actually, it’s a dark week. This is the first time in years that I’ve flown on American without any sort of elite status. It felt really strange. I think I may be developing PTSD (Plane Transportation Status Disassociation). I first earned my Platinum status back in 2012 when I completed…

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a laptop on a plane

Ranking The Best Airline WiFi

a laptop on a plane

Getting access to the internet while you’re cruising through the clouds is a true testament to the ingenuity of humanity. In-flight wi-fi is one of my favorite inventions of the past decade and I’m guessing you’ll agree. Instead of being forced to devote our time to stupid tasks like reading (bo-ring!), we can now see…

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Is This The Worst Safety Video Ever?

Airline safety videos have come a long way. At time, they captivate us. At other times, they bore us to tears.  Consumerist seems to think that the latest video from United is among the worst they’ve ever seen. As Chris Morran of Consumerist says: “All the safety stuff you already knew is finally over around…

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