a blue and red airplane on a runway

Quick Tip: The Southwest Boarding Hack

a blue and red airplane on a runway

If you ever fly Southwest, you know the agony and ecstasy of their boarding policy. With no assigned seats, it’s every person for themselves once you board the plane. There’s a bit of a shortcut, though, if you’re flying out of the right airport. While most airports have a single entry point onto the aircraft,…

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a group of fried doughnuts in a paper basket

Dunkin Donuts Rolling Out Churros (Disguised as Donut Fries)

a group of fried doughnuts in a paper basket

There’s big news in the donut/doughnut/fried dough world, courtesy of the biggest name in misspelled treats: Dunkin’ Donuts. Check out this tweet: JUST IN: @DunkinDonuts confirms it is testing cinnamon dusted Donut Fries ($2) in select locations in Boston area. pic.twitter.com/NRHk5E3hEj — Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) April 6, 2018 Now, DD can call them donut fries all…

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a plate of food with a fork

How to Relive Your Favorite Vacation

a plate of food with a fork

Think back to your favorite vacation. What do you remember? If you’re anything like me, it’s a specific moment. Even more likely, it’s a specific sensory experience: the smell of the plumeria as you walk through Kauai; the sound of the mosquitos along a river in Bali; the brilliant turquoise of the water in St.…

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a close-up of a person's ear

When $.13 Means So Much More

a close-up of a person's ear

this is a sponsored post For the past year, I’ve been telling you about DOSH. It’s the cash-back app that gives you free money every time you use a linked credit card. Pretty much the “set it and forget it” version of the money-saving apps on the market. Anyway, I wanted to share my most…

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